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Group countries by geography, demographics, economy, and more. Complete the immaculate grid puzzle.

Geo Grid

Group countries by geography, demographics, economy, and more. Complete the immaculate grid puzzle.

About GeoGrid Game

Geo Grid is an engaging and challenging daily geography game that tests your geographic knowledge and problem-solving skills. Each puzzle features a 3x3 geogrid, where every row and column corresponds to a unique attribute of a country, such as population, land area, or cultural traits. Your goal is strategically selecting countries that satisfy the row and column criteria, precisely completing the immaculate grid. GeoGrid encourages strategic thinking as players refine their understanding of world geography. With its perfect blend of challenge and education, the Geo Grid Game offers a fresh and exciting way to explore the world daily.

How to Play GeoGrid

  • Start the Game: Launch the Geo Grid Game and view the 3x3 grid filled with hidden locations. Each cell represents a country(s) you must identify
  • Understand the Criteria: Each row and column is associated with a specific attribute, such as Area, Language, Rivers, Mountain, etc. Utilize these criteria to refine the options for each cell. Click on the title of Criteria to learn more about it.
  • Select a Cell & Make a Guess: Click on any cell in the grid to start guessing. The correct answer must match both the row’s criteria and the column’s criteria.
  • Use Your 12 Wisely: You have 12 guesses per cell to identify all correct countries.
  • Complete the Grid: Continue solving the cells until the entire grid is complete. If you run out of attempts, the correct answers will be shown.

Game Scoring Principle

1. Starting Points

Players begin with 100 points.

2. Deduction Based on Guesses

1st guess: No points deducted.
2nd to 4th guess: -5 points per guess.
5th to 6th guess: -7 points per guess.
7th guess and beyond: -10 points per guess.
The minimum points a player can have after deductions is 30 points.

3. Streak Bonus

Each streak (number of consecutive wins) is rewarded by multiplying the streak value by 3 points.
Formula: Streak points = streak x 3.

4. Additional Bonus for 10 Streaks

For every 10 streaks, players receive an additional bonus of 10 points.
10 streak = +10 points
20 streak = +20 points
30 streak = +30 points, and so on.

5. Final Score Calculation

The final score is the sum of points left after deductions plus the streak bonus and any additional bonus for 10 streaks.


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